Monday, June 7, 2010

Review of the CD Sock-A-Delic by Dirty Sock Funtime Band

One day I got some music, and it was called Sock-A-Delic. It was Dirty Sock Funtime Band music. This kind of music is hilarious and great. I like to make up dances about the songs. I like their kind of music a lot. I like other kinds of music too, like Justin Roberts and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but this is one of my favorites.

There was one song called “The Bad Habit Boy.” I thought it would be called “Willy McWaste.” That was kind of strange because it says “Hi, I’m Willy. Willy McWaste,” and I thought it was going to be about Willy McWaste. I didn’t think it would be called “The Bad Habit Boy.” His bad habit is wasting things. The singing was funny and the music was good but not funny. It is a lesson that you learn: don’t waste everything like your money—or the most important thing: hope.

There was a song called “Donut Brain Aliens.” It was about donut-brain aliens. Almost the whole beginning line is just “donuts,” but I like it anyway. It is hilarious because donut-brain aliens look kind of like donuts. I know because I saw a picture and their heads were kind of like donuts. I think they make donuts out of brains or something—I have no idea actually. It is funny and cool—great music, great lyrics, just a really great song. There was a different album called Genius Backpack and that had “Donut Brain Aliens.” The differences were that they had different beginnings. They have different movements in them. When I say movements I mean like how it sounds. One of them was slow and one was fast. And one of them starts out, “hey” and one of them starts out, “let me hear you say.” One of them wants you to dance and the other one doesn’t. The new one does. One of them says “stop” “so we can stop the donut brain aliens” and the other says “so we can dance like donut brain aliens.” I like the second version best. I think it is more groovy. And, after all, it is the newest one.

In “Rage Against the Time Machine” a guy said, “hey, look at this. It’s a time machine.” A then someone else said, “Whoa, let’s set it for seven seconds into the past.” And seven seconds has passed already. And then it goes ahaaahaaaahaaaah. ‘Cause then like it goes over again—because seven seconds into the past is them saying it again. It was great awesome. It was a very good dancing song. In the car we laugh about it because it is so funny.

Ernesto was a super hero who actually had a funny voice. Ernesto’s is a shopping place. You can buy capes and pirate costumes. They are very cheap. I like to dance “The Banana” while I listen to it. And a tv thing is called W-H-A-P—whap! The Ernesto’s song is like a commercial because it is about a store and it is telling you to go there. But it is not real. I wish it was real because then I could go there and always buy everything—like superhero toys and superhero movies.

“Dream of the Clown” is about sleeping. Mr. Clown is just so funny. He goes to sleep in a funny way. The music is like what he says when he is sleeping.

There was a song called. “I Love It!” I love it! I love it because it is so great, and that one is not really that funny. But I still like it. It teaches you what other people love. They said “Shout out what you love” and everyone had to shout out what they love. Friends! Family! Sweets! Paintings! Toys! Movies! My Mom says stuff like: Art! Ada! Dad! Green tea smoothies! Groovy girls! Movies!

Everyone I think would like the CD. It is funny. It’s awesome. It has great lyrics. Put it on in the car, and put it on and dance. My mom smiles when it is on so I think she likes it. Me and my friend Nora had a dance party with this music. I think she liked it because she danced a lot and looked like she was having a lot of fun.

Bye! See you next time!

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