Once upon a time I went to a show. It was called The Nutcracker, and it wasn’t a ballet at all. I thought that that was weird because The Nutcracker is usually a ballet. I think it was good that they got it to not be a ballet because the ballet has all these weird stuff, like dancing snowflakes and sugar plum fairies, and this didn’t have as much weird stuff--except for the Nutcracker being Fritz. But the play was not called Fritz, it was called The Nutcracker.
Clara (Carla Kessler) was the main character in the show. And Fritz (Chance Bone) was her brother, but he died in the war, but he came back to life because Uncle Drosselmeyer put a spell on him. He turned him into a nutcracker. At least everybody thought that it happened but really he didn’t.
Clara got to dance a lot, and she got to sing most of the songs. That was cool. There were also all these songs like “Baking Cookies.” They were cool and more rocking than I thought they would be. The Nutcracker was also Fritz and that was cool because it is not in the ballet. When he came back to life it was awesome because it was a trick--everybody thought that he was really back to life. He was standing by a doorway, and then he became Fritz by standing still. Then he moves his body a bit--he moves his arms like a nutcracker, back and forth--and then he realized that he was human. Clara and The Nutcracker’s performances were great.
There were all these rats who all had British accents. The rats were always trying to get the Nutcracker and Clara and the dolls. And the dolls names were Monkey (Mike Smith), Hugo (Joey Steakley), and Phoebe (Trista Smith). And all of them were in trouble because the rats didn’t like light. So then they try to hang up all these light bulbs but then it doesn’t work. The mom (Carolyn Defrin) and the dad (Jake Minton) and Uncle Drosselmeyer (Blake Montgomery) were all playing rats because like in Wizard of Oz all the people there were actually in her dream.
There was a scene with the Mom-Rat where she was eating chinese noodles. She just came out on stage eating noodles, and they dropped on the floor, and then she ate them off the floor. That is just soo yucky. I think she ate the noodles off the floor because she was playing a rat and rats eat stuff off the floor. She is good at doing yucky stuff even though sometimes she doesn’t want to do them. She knows how to act very well. In Wilson Wants it All she ALSO played a MOM! She played moms in both plays that I saw. I think she has played moms a lot of times because she tells her children what to do and stuff like “you shouldn’t go there, you broke up with that guy” and “it is all your imagination. There is really no rats in the wall.”
The dad also played a rat, but he was not the rat that ate noodles off the floor. He was the rat that got stabbed. The rats had red glasses. The eyes are real glowing red when they turn into big rats. Him as a rat was cool because both the parents were rats. It was scary and so kind of weird--the guy that plays a father playing a rat too. His performance was awesome. Uncle Drosselmeyer was the great uncle of Clara. They seemed surprised to see him. The actor was funny in his part. He was funny when he was the rat too--he was kind of scary when he was playing the rat too.

There was this cookie-baking scene. Then they were going to save Christmas by making Christmas cookies that everybody thought were the best. I didn’t get to taste them to know that they were the best because we were sitting in the back row. People in the front and second row got to have cookies. And if we go see it again, then maybe I could get cookies. They were singing, and then they had to go, and they left Hugo, and then the Monkey said, “Stay here while we go and get something and you entertain all these nice people. “ And
then Hugo sings “Baking Cookies,” and then they come back. And the second that he started singing they just came back--that was funny. Hugo was the guy with a light bulb on his head. I thought he was hilarious. There was this monkey whose name was Monkey and he was French. He had a french accent and he wore a beret. And he was fu-larious. If you don’t know what fu-larious means you can learn it from me--ADA GREY! Fu-larious means “funny and hilarious both at the same time.” Phoebe was a doll, and she was the only girl doll. Her back had a pull string. She said things like “Let’s have a party!” and “Let’s bake cookies!” and “I’m afraid of the dark.” and “Everybody’s good at something!” She is so funny I want to have her as my own doll.
I think this play should be for ages 6 and up because there is a lot of killing and The Nutcracker dies, but then they just bury him in the snow so he can at least come back to life sometimes. I think he will come back to life because if he is The Nutcracker and he was Fritz and he died and came back to life then he could do it again. I think people who like fighting and rats and toys and cookies would like this play. People should go see it because it is funny and delightful.